Vehicle brake fluid flushed within last 12 months (preferably less).
Tires in good condition (no cuts, bulges, tread above wear marks).
Fully functional seat belts for passenger and driver (same each side).
Battery secure.
A vehicle in excellent mechanical condition. It will be visually inspected.
Convertibles must have a roll-over hoop.
Open exhaust is not permitted.
All loose items removed (see below).
Drivers and guests under 19 need to complete extra waivers (contact us at
A few days before the school
Empty vehicle of any loose items (coins, papers, floor mats, pens, GPS, MP3 player, rear-mirror hangers, garage door openers, tools, etc.) from door pockets, glove box, trunk, etc.
Set your tire pressure to the maximum shown in your owner’s manual.
What to wear/bring
No bare legs are permitted but short sleeve tops are
No open toe shoes are permitted
Weather can be variable so bring layers to wear
Hat and sun screen
If you are going to have “stuff” to remove from your car bring a tarp or container(s) for same
If you (or a guest) will want to take a ride with a coach a helmet is required
Day of event
Fill your gas tank.
Arrive at the track no later than 8:30. You will need to register (sign waivers and get a wristband – to be worn at all times) so that you can participate.
Guests need to register (sign waivers and wear a wristband).
Each guest should bring a lunch, drinks, and any snacks that they may require.