For the best experience, please review the following before attending our courses
Drivers and Guests under 19 Drivers under age 19 are required to have additional waivers completed with their parent/guardian, one of whom has to be at the event. Email info@brackdriving.com for appropriate waiver forms.
Passengers and Rides Participants are not permitted to have passengers in their car, the only exception being a coach. Guests and participants may get a ride with any coach during coach track time; however, a helmet must be worn.
Reimbursement Policy All applications are for the particular event paid for. Therefore, a participant’s tuition is only refundable (subject to a $25 administration fee) if they contact us in writing and cancel their registration more than 7 days prior to the date of the event. A participant may reschedule to another event date or provide a replacement to take their place within the above 7 day minimum notice period and no administration fee is charged. Replacement drivers must complete a registration form.
If a Participant’s car is unsuitable or cannot complete the day for any reason there is no refund.
Participants agree to pay for any damage to the track or replenishment of supplies (e.g. recharge of fire extinguisher, track signage, etc.) they cause, within ten days of written notice.
Information and Privacy Policy
The purpose for collecting driver and payee information is to allow us to conduct the Brack Driving Concepts (Organizer) programs effectively. The primary uses are to enroll and classify a driver as a participant; secondary uses are for insurance and liability purposes (as applicable). Except to insurance and legal representatives, regulatory bodies where necessary, or where permitted by privacy legislation, the Organizer will not disclose personal information to third parties without your consent. Unless directed otherwise in writing the Organizer may advise you of future driving events using the contact information provided.
By submitting our application form you consent: to the use and disclosure of this information in accordance with the Privacy Statement; to you obtaining a report from any driving schools I listed as having previously attended, as to my attendance/performance at them. I also authorize the use of any testimonial, picture taken of myself and/or my vehicle while participating in a Brack Driving Concepts program, for promotional purposes, without restriction.
Please visit our FAQ page for more information.